

IRBAS brings together an international research team of productive scientists with extensive experience in intermittent river ecology, hydrological analysis and statistical modelling.

IRBAS Core Participants: Thibault DATRY, Catherine LEIGH, Núria BONADA, Clifford DAHM, Bernard HUGUENY, Scott LARNED, Eric SAUQUET and Klement TOCKNER.

IRBAS Affiliated Participants:  Andrew BOULTON, Bernard DUMONT, Ken FRITZ and Hervé PELLA.

The IRBAS project and core team are also supported by an outstanding group of research assistants, students and volunteers: Quitterie Blanchard, Kim Fike, Tony Herrera, Jasper Hoeve, Pierre Mancini, Alex Niese, Francisco Peñas, Maria Soria, Katrina Velasco and Stefan de Vries. The network of contributors to and supporters of IRBAS continues to grow.

The IRBAS team acknowledge and thank these researchers and their colleagues: Vicenç Acuña, Michael Bogan, Michele Burford, Jennifer Courtwright, Mike Dettinger, Martin Dieterich, Laura Drummond, Larry Eaton, Nancy Grimm, Evan Harrison, Mark Kennard, Mark Ledger, Christine May, Raphael Mazor, Narcis Prat, Vince Resh, Fran Sheldon, Richard Storey, Rachel Stubbington, Paul Wood, Ross Vander Vorste and Richard Walker.

Related publications

IRBAS participants have a strong background in intermittent river research and associated fields, and have published widely in the scientific literature on these topics between 2012 and 2016. Some examples of these publications include:

  • Acuña, V. and K. Tockner. 2009. Surface–subsurface water exchange rates along alluvial river reaches control the thermal patterns in an Alpine river network. Freshwater Biology 54:306-320.
  • Acuña, V. and K. Tockner. 2010. The effects of alterations in temperature and flow regime on organic carbon dynamics in Mediterranean river networks. Global Change Biology 16:2638-2650.
  • Acuña, V., A. Wolf, U. Uehlinger, and K. Tockner. 2008. Temperature dependence of stream benthic respiration in an Alpine river network under global warming. Freshwater Biology 53:2076-2088.
  • Bertoldi, W., A. Gurnell, N. Surian, K. Tockner, L. Zanoni, L. Ziliani, and G. Zolezzi. 2009. Understanding reference processes: linkages between river flows, sediment dynamics and vegetated landforms along the Tagliamento River, Italy. River Research and Applications 25:501-516.
  • Bonada, N. r., M. Rieradevall, and N. Prat. 2007b. Macroinvertebrate community structure and biological traits related to flow permanence in a Mediterranean river network. Hydrobiologia 589:91-106.
  • Bonada, N., C. Múrria, C. Zamora-Muñoz, M. El Alami, J. M. Poquet, T. Puntí, J. L. Moreno, N. Bennas, J. Alba-Tercedor, C. Ribera, and N. Prat. 2009. Using community and population approaches to understand how contemporary and historical factors have shaped species distribution in river ecosystems. Global Ecology and Biogeography 18:202-213.
  • Bonada, N., C. Zamora-MuÑOz, M. Rieradevall, and N. Prat. 2005. Ecological and historical filters constraining spatial caddisfly distribution in Mediterranean rivers. Freshwater Biology 50:781-797.
  • Bonada, N., M. Rieradevall, H. Dallas, J. Davis, J. Day, R. Figueroa, V. H. Resh, and N. Prat. 2008. Multi-scale assessment of macroinvertebrate richness and composition in Mediterranean-climate rivers. Freshwater Biology 53:772–788.
  • Bonada, N., M. Rieradevall, N. Prat, and V. H. Resh. 2006. Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages and macrohabitat connectivity in mediterranean-climate streams of northern California. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 25:32-43.
  • Bonada, N., S. Dolédec, and B. Statzner. 2007a. Taxonomic and biological trait differences of stream macroinvertebrate communities between mediterranean and temperate regions: implications for future climatic scenarios. Global Change Biology 13:1658-1671.
  • Boulton, A. J., T. Datry, T. Kasahara, M. Mutz, and J. A. Stanford. 2010. Ecology and management of the hyporheic zone: stream-groundwater interactions of running waters and their floodplains. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29:26-40.
  • Capderrey C., T. Datry, C. Douady, C. Claret, and F. Malard. In press. Large-scale patterns of invertebrate distribution in relation with SW-GW exchanges. Freshwater Science.
  • Cartron, J.-L. E., M. C. Molles Jr, J. F. Schuetz, C. S. Crawford, and C. N. Dahm. 2003. Ground arthropods as potential indicators of flooding regime in the riparian forest of the middle Rio Grande, New Mexico. Environmental entomology 32:1075-1084.
  • Claret, C., J. Ward, and K. Tockner. 2002. Temperature heterogeneity of interstitial water in island-associated water bodies of a dynamic flood plain. Internationale Vereinigung fur Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie Verhandlungen 28:345-351.
  • Corti, R. and T. Datry. 2012. Invertebrate and sestonic matter in an advancing wetted front travelling down a dry river bed (Albarine, France). Freshwater Science 31:1187-1201.
  • Corti, R., S. Larned, and T. Datry. In press. A comparison of pitfall-trap and quadrat methods for sampling ground-dwelling invertebrates in dry riverbeds. Hydrobiologia.
  • Corti, R., T. Datry, L. Drummond, and S. T. Larned. 2011. Natural variation in immersion and emersion affects breakdown and invertebrate colonization of leaf litter in a temporary river. Aquatic Sciences 73:537-550.
  • Datry, T. 2012. Benthic and hyporheic invertebrate assemblages along a flow intermittence gradient: effects of duration of dry events. Freshwater Biology B:563-574.
  • Datry, T. and S. T. Larned. 2008. River flow controls ecological processes and invertebrate assemblages in subsurface flowpaths of an ephemeral river reach. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65:1532-1544.
  • Datry, T., D. Arscott, and S. Sabater. 2011. Recent perspectives on temporary river ecology. Aquatic Sciences 73:453-457.
  • Datry, T., M. Lafont, and S. Larned. 2010. Hyporheic annelid distribution along a flow permanence gradient in an alluvial river. Aquatic Sciences 72:335-346.
  • Datry, T., M. Scarsbrook, S. Larned, and G. Fenwick. 2008. Lateral and longitudinal patterns within the stygoscape of an alluvial river corridor. Fundamental and Applied Limnology / Archiv für Hydrobiologie 171:335-347.
  • Datry, T., R. Corti, and M. Philippe. 2012. Spatial and temporal aquatic–terrestrial transitions in the temporary Albarine River, France: responses of invertebrates to experimental rewetting. Freshwater Biology 57:716-727.
  • Datry, T., R. Corti, C. Claret, and M. Philippe. 2011. Flow intermittence controls leaf litter breakdown in a French temporary alluvial river: the “drying memory”. Aquatic Sciences 73:471-483.
  • Datry, T., S. T. Larned, and M. R. Scarsbrook. 2007. Responses of hyporheic invertebrate assemblages to large-scale variation in flow permanence and surface–subsurface exchange. Freshwater Biology 52:1452-1462.
  • Datry, T., S. T. Larned, K. M. Fritz, M. T. Bogan, P. J. Wood, E. I. Meyer, and A. N. Santos. In press. Broad-scale patterns of invertebrate richness and community composition in temporary rivers: effects of flow intermittence. Ecography.
  • Descloux, S., T. Datry, and P. Marmonier. In press. Benthic and hyporheic invertebrate assemblages along a gradient of increasing streambed colmation by fine sediment. Aquatic Sciences.
  • Dieter, D., D. Schiller, E. M. García-Roger, M. M. Sánchez-Montoya, R. Gómez, J. Mora-Gómez, F. Sangiorgio, J. Gelbrecht, and K. Tockner. 2011. Preconditioning effects of intermittent stream flow on leaf litter decomposition. Aquatic Sciences 73:599-609.
  • Doering, M., U. R. S. Uehlinger, T. Ackermann, M. Woodtli, and K. Tockner. 2011. Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of soil and sediment respiration in a river-floodplain mosaic (Tagliamento, NE Italy). Freshwater Biology 56:1297-1311.
  • Doering, M., U. Uehlinger, A. Rotach, D. R. Schlaepfer, and K. Tockner. 2007. Ecosystem expansion and contraction dynamics along a large Alpine alluvial corridor (Tagliamento River, Northeast Italy). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 32:1693-1704.
  • Filipe, A., J. Lawrence, and N. Bonada. 2012. Vulnerability of stream biota to climate change in mediterranean climate regions: a synthesis of ecological responses and conservation challenges. Hydrobiologia:1-21.
  • Kaiser, E., D. Arscott, K. Tockner, and B. Sulzberger. 2004. Sources and distribution of organic carbon and nitrogen in the Tagliamento River, Italy. Aquatic Sciences 66:103-116.
  • Kasahara, T., T. Datry, M. Mutz, and A. J. Boulton. 2009. Treating causes not symptoms: restoration of surface–groundwater interactions in rivers. Marine and Freshwater Research 60:976-981.
  • Langhans, S. and K. Tockner. 2006. The role of timing, duration, and frequency of inundation in controlling leaf litter decomposition in a river-floodplain ecosystem (Tagliamento, northeastern Italy). Oecologia 147:501-509.
  • Langhans, S., S. Tiegs, M. Gessner, and K. Tockner. 2008. Leaf-decomposition heterogeneity across a riverine floodplain mosaic. Aquatic Sciences 70:337-346.
  • Larned, S. T., J. Schmidt, T. Datry, C. P. Konrad, J. K. Dumas, and J. C. Diettrich. 2011. Longitudinal river ecohydrology: flow variation down the lengths of alluvial rivers. Ecohydrology 4:532-548.
  • Larned, S. T., T. Datry, and C. T. Robinson. 2007. Invertebrate and microbial responses to inundation in an ephemeral river reach in New Zealand: effects of preceding dry periods. Aquatic Sciences 69:554 – 567.
  • Larned, S. T., T. Datry, D. B. Arscott, and K. Tockner. 2010. Emerging concepts in temporary-river ecology. Freshwater Biology 55:717-738.
  • Leigh, C. 2013. Dry season changes in macroinvertebrate assemblages of highly seasonal rivers: responses to low flow, no flow and antecedent hydrology. Hydrobiologia 703:95-112.
  • Leigh, C. and F. Sheldon. 2008. Hydrological changes and ecological impacts associated with water resource development in large floodplain rivers in the Australian tropics. River Research and Applications 24:1251-1270.
  • Leigh, C. and F. Sheldon. 2009. Hydrological connectivity drives patterns of macroinvertebrate biodiversity in floodplain rivers of the Australian wet/dry tropics. Freshwater Biology 54:549-571.
  • Leigh, C., M. A. Burford, F. Sheldon, and S. E. Bunn. 2010. Dynamic stability in dry season food webs within tropical floodplain rivers. Marine and Freshwater Research 61:357-368.
  • Leigh, C., R. Stubbington, F. Sheldon, and A. J. Boulton. 2013. Hyporheic invertebrates as bioindicators of ecological health in temporary rivers: A meta-analysis. Ecological Indicators 32:62-73.
  • Malard, F., K. Tockner, M.-J. Dole-Olivier, and J. V. Ward. 2002. A landscape perspective of surface-subsurface hydrological exchanges in river corridors. Freshwater Biology 47:621-640.
  • Malard, F., U. Uehlinger, R. Zah, and K. Tockner. 2006. Flood-pulse and riverscape dynamics in a braided glacial river. Ecology 87:704-716.
  • Molles, M. C., C. S. Crawford, L. M. Ellis, H. M. Valett, and C. N. Dahm. 1998. Managed flooding for riparian ecosystem restoration. BioScience 48:749-756.
  • Muehlbauer, J. D., S. F. Collins, M. W. Doyle, and K. Tockner. 2013. How wide is a stream? Spatial extent of the potential “stream signature” in terrestrial food webs using meta-analysis. Ecology.
  • Múrria, C., N. Bonada, C. Ribera, and N. Prat. 2010. Homage to the Virgin of Ecology, or why an aquatic insect unadapted to desiccation may maintain populations in very small, temporary Mediterranean streams. Hydrobiologia 653:179-190.
  • Nogaro, G., T. Datry, F. Mermillod-Blondin, S. Descloux, and B. Montuelle. 2010. Influence of streambed sediment clogging on microbial processes in the hyporheic zone. Freshwater Biology 55:1288-1302.
  • Paetzold, A. and K. Tockner. 2005. Effects of riparian arthropod predation on the biomass and abundance of aquatic insect emergence. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 24:395-402.
  • Paetzold, A., C. Yoshimura, and K. Tockner. 2008. Riparian arthropod responses to flow regulation and river channelization. Journal of Applied Ecology 45:894-903.
  • Pahl-Wostl, C., C. Nilsson, J. Gupta, and K. Tockner. 2011. Societal Learning Needed to Face the Water Challenge. AMBIO 40:549-553.
  • Robinson, C. T., K. Tockner, and J. V. Ward. 2002. The fauna of dynamic riverine landscapes. Freshwater Biology 47:661-677.
  • Rolls, R. J., C. Leigh, and F. Sheldon. 2012. Mechanistic effects of low-flow hydrology on riverine ecosystems: ecological principles and consequences of alteration. Freshwater Science 31:1163-1186.
  • Sabater, S. and K. Tockner. 2010. Effects of Hydrologic Alterations on the Ecological Quality of River Ecosystems. Pages 15-39 in S. Sabater and D. Barceló, editors. Water Scarcity in the Mediterranean. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Snelder, T. H., T. Datry, N. Lamouroux, S. T. Larned, E. Sauquet, H. Pella, and C. Catalogne. 2013. Regionalization of patterns of flow intermittence from gauging station records. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17:2685-2699.
  • Statzner, B., N. Bonada, and S. Dolédec. 2008. Conservation of taxonomic and biological trait diversity of European stream macroinvertebrate communities: a case for a collective public database. Pages 367-390 in D. Hawksworth and A. Bull, editors. Biodiversity and Conservation in Europe. Springer Netherlands.
  • Steward, A. L., D. von Schiller, K. Tockner, J. C. Marshall, and S. E. Bunn. 2012. When the river runs dry: human and ecological values of dry riverbeds. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10:202-209.
  • Steward, A., J. Marshall, F. Sheldon, B. Harch, S. Choy, S. Bunn, and K. Tockner. 2011. Terrestrial invertebrates of dry river beds are not simply subsets of riparian assemblages. Aquatic Sciences – Research Across Boundaries 73:551-566.
  • Stubbington, R. and T. Datry. 2013. The macroinvertebrate seedbank promotes community persistence in temporary rivers across climate zones. Freshwater Biology 58:1202-1220.
  • Thieme, M. L., E. Tural, P. McIntyre, W. Darwall, K. Tockner, J. Cordeiro, and S. H. M. Butchart. 2010. Freshwater ecosystems under threat: the ultimate hotspot. Pages 123-151 in R. A. Mittermeier and V. A. Arlington, editors. Fresh water: the essence of life.
  • Tockner, K. and J. A. Stanford. 2002. Riverine flood plains: present state and future trends. Environmental Conservation 29:308-330.
  • Tockner, K. and J. Ward. 1999. Biodiversity along riparian corridors. Archiv für Hydrobiologie. Supplementband. Large rivers 11:293-310.
  • Tockner, K., F. Malard, and J. V. Ward. 2000. An extension of the flood pulse concept. Hydrological Processes 14:2681-2883.
  • Tockner, K., F. Schiemer, C. Baumgartner, G. Kum, E. Weigand, I. Zweimüller, and J. V. Ward. 1999. The Danube restoration project: species diversity patterns across connectivity gradients in the floodplain system. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 15:245-258.
  • Tockner, K., M. Pusch, D. Borchardt, and M. S. Lorang. 2010b. Multiple stressors in coupled river-floodplain ecosystems. Freshwater Biology 55:135-151.
  • Tockner, K., M. Pusch, J. Gessner, and C. Wolter. 2011. Domesticated ecosystems and novel communities: challenges for the management of large rivers. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 11:167-174.
  • Tockner, K., M. S. Lorang, and J. A. Stanford. 2010a. River flood plains are model ecosystems to test general hydrogeomorphic and ecological concepts. River Research and Applications 26:76-86.
  • Tockner, K., U. Uehlinger, and C. T. Robinson. 2009. Rivers of Europe. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  • Tonolla, D., V. Acuña, U. Uehlinger, T. Frank, and K. Tockner. 2010. Thermal Heterogeneity in River Floodplains. Ecosystems 13:727-740.
  • Van der Nat, D., A. P. Schmidt, K. Tockner, P. J. Edwards, and J. V. Ward. 2002. Inundation dynamics in braided floodplains: Tagliamento River, northeast Italy. Ecosystems 5:636-647.
  • Von Schiller, D., V. Acuña, D. Graeber, E. Martí, M. Ribot, S. Sabater, X. Timoner, and K. Tockner. 2011. Contraction, fragmentation and expansion dynamics determine nutrient availability in a Mediterranean forest stream. Aquatic Sciences 73:485-497.
  • Ward, J. V. and K. Tockner. 2001. Biodiversity: towards a unifying theme for river ecology. Freshwater Biology 46:807-819.
  • Ward, J. V., K. Tockner, and F. Schiemer. 1999. Biodiversity of floodplain river ecosystems: ecotones and connectivity. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 15:125-139.
  • Ward, J. V., K. Tockner, D. B. Arscott, and C. Claret. 2002. Riverine landscape diversity. Freshwater Biology 47:517-539.
  • Yoshimura, C., T. Omura, H. Furumai, and K. Tockner. 2005. Present state of rivers and streams in Japan. River Research and Applications 21:93-112.
